Guangzhou XinRui leather is a professional bag company integrating design, production and sales. Specializing in the production of clutch bags,tote bag,PU bag,tablet case,canvas bag,wallets,belt bag,backpack,lady bags,nylon bag, masters purse, etc. The company has established a production base in Guangzhou. We have 11 years of foreign trade experience and an experienced team.
We can provide customers with better products, better services, and better prices. We have our own design team and accept OEM and ODM customization to meet customers' large and small batch customization services. Our products have been exported to Canada,France,Germany,South Africa,Russia,Brazil and other countries.
Product Name | masters purse |
Brand Name | XinRui |
Place of Origin | GuangZhou,China |
Condition | New |
Application | store and carry personal belongings,fashion accessory...etc |
After-sale Service | Online technical support |
MOQ | 200-300 PCS |
Payment Methods | Paypal,Western Union,L/C payment... |
Export Markets | Australasia,Asia,Western Europe...etc |
Supply Ability | 30000 Piece/Pieces per Month |
Please note: The above table data is for reference only. For specific information, please contact us.
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